This BetaCodex social technology allows for what we have come to call Very Fast Organizational Transformation, or Time-Boxed Change: Away from command-and-control (Alpha) and towards decentralized, self-organized and democratic Beta organization. Transformation with the OpenSpace Beta approach can be done in organizations from all industries and of all sizes, and always within a time-boxed period of just a few months. If this sounds incredible, then better start believing. 

OpenSpace Beta is designed for very fast, robust organizational Beta transformation. OpenSpace Beta was articulated and published in 2018 by Silke Hermann and Niels Pflaeging (Red42). OpenSpace Beta can also be used for “agile transformation” or “lean transformation”, or for combinations of Beta, Lean and Agile. OpenSpace Beta is currently the best and most powerful approach to get Beta transformation done. Robustly, in time and together with all the willing. As a first introduction to the approach, you can watch the recording from the 5th OpenSpace Beta anniversary event here. 

The OpenSpace Beta concept overview, or timeline (below) visualizes how very fast Beta transformation works. It gives you and everybody involved in the transformation a clear overview over the flow, the structure, the necessary roles and elements of the OpenSpace Beta approach. You can download the timeline here for free. Share it and use it in your work, making the appropriate attributions: see license on

OpenSpace Beta is an open source social technology

This work is derived from OpenSpace Beta©, an open source, free social technology by Silke Hermann and Niels Pflaeging, published under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 license from Creative Commons, and found here:

A good cup of tea needs to infuse three to five minutes. Not seven, or 12, or 20. It's similar with organizational transformation: In OpenSpace Beta, transformation takes 90 days. And then it's done. OpenSpace Beta is the way for your organization to become high-performing. Not within years, but within a few months. Regardless of size. It's an open source social technology that allows your company to get from siloed and dull to decentralized and adaptive. Within 90 days.​

This social technology is based on the concepts of Very Fast Organizational Transformation and Change-as-Flipping, which were also conceived by Silke and Niels. As early as at the start of 2019, the two accompanied their first corporate client through full-fledged transformation with OpenSpace Beta. Since then, several Beta transformations with corporate clients have been undertaken with great success, and more than 200 OpenSpace Beta Practitioners were qualified by Red42. 

“If you want truly to understand 
something, try to change it.”
Kurt Lewin (1890-1947)

You can buy OpenSpace Beta-related products, and use the learning resources on the web page.

Watch an introduction to OpenSpace Beta