Research Project 1. The OpenSpace Beta Commentary
- About this project: Starting in early 2023, this group will work on a mid-term basis to make more in-depth findings around the use of OpenSpace Beta available. The task is to extract specifications, special features and meaningful interpretations for practice from field work with the OpenSpace Beta approach. All group members were involved with OpenSpace Beta processes, in active roles. This peer work serves to provide insight for new practitioners of OpenSpace Beta. The format or formats in which the research results will be published and successively extended is to be clarified.
- Participation requires relevant and proven practical experience with OpenSpace Beta, as well as willingness for continuous and reliable collaboration in the project.
- Start: January 2023
- Project update March 2023: Available on the BetaCodex LinkedIn group
- Project update February 2024: The research and writing phase of the project is to be concluded until late 2024. Publication of the resulting book should happen still in 2024, through BetaCodex Press
- Status update July 2024: Publication of a related BetaCodex research paper, OpenSpace Beta patterns, with 14 patterns described. Check out this video for background and context.
Research Project 2. Patterns in Beta transformations
- About this project: Undertaken by Niels and Silke, this tightly framed research project aims at publishing insights and key learnings from 20 years of Cell Structure Design and Relative Targets-related work, 6 years of OpenSpace Beta work. This project is intended to raise awareness to the unique potential of decentralization, organizational democracy, and the three “work the system” social technologies. The project led to the production of three free BetaCodex Network white papers so far – as this is a great way to reach the widest possible audience, with serious and well-designed content. The output from this research is however supposed to also be published through other channels and through other media. The white-paper(s) will not be derived from forthcoming book in English. Instead, they feature distinct structures and contents, newly written texts and a distinct visual language that’s appropriate for online publication and for describing the patterns in 50+ consulting and advisory projects around Beta transformation.
- Participation by others will probably be limited to editing. It thus requires willingness to edit and review additional publications authored by Niels, prior to publication. Contributions to content can be made in any shape, at any time, and are highly welcome.
- Start: June 2023.
- Status update July 2023: Publication of the BetaCodex Network white paper with 10 patterns happened.
- Status update August 2023: A second BetaCodex white paper on the topic is being worked upon. This paper is also supposed to cover another set of approximately 10 patterns. Publication will happen within the next 6 months.
- Status update January 2024: The second Cell Structure Design Patterns white paper with 10 new patterns was published
- Status update August 2024: The OpenSpace Beta Patterns white paper with 14 patterns was published
- Status update December 2024: A new paper related to Relative Targets patterns is under way
Research Project 3. Time-Oriented Work Systems
- About this project: Undertaken by Niels and Andreas, this project aims at examining the commonalities and differences between the “Big Three” time-based lean approaches, which are Lean RFS, the Weichselbaum System and Quick Response Manufacturing. The paper will also discuss why lean transformations should have at least one of these Big Three approaches at their core, and it will highlight principles of Time-Based Work Systems
- Participation by others will probably be limited to editing.
- Start: December 2024. Publication of the BetaCodex Network white paper should happen in 2025.
Research Project 4. Sustainability and Beta Leadership
- About this project: Led by Silke, this research project is aimed at making the connection between modern, or contemporary organizational leadership and sustainability explicit, and at inciting insight and action on several levels: not just organizations, but also on a societal level, and politically. The focus is on connections that have so far been ignored, misinterpreted or overlooked. In the context of this research, we will assume that action on sustainability will have to swiftly tackle the three big problems of climate change, global extinction of species, and the achievement of a circular economy. During several stages of the research process, there will be opportunity for network members to discuss the intermediate results and draft versions with Silke – based on commitment by network members to earnest involvement. The research results are going to be published and shared in several formats, and also made available to the wider public.
- Participation requires relevant and proven practical experience in the field of sustainability, as well as willingness for continuous and reliable collaboration in the project.
- Start: February 2023
Other projects and roles

Publication Project 3. Relative Targets book, German
- About this project: This will be the first book on Relative Targets since the publication of this social technology, in 2021. It is being written in German first.
- Status: Publication in German will be though Vahlen (who also published the Cell Structure Design and OpenSpace Beta books in German). Date: to be defined, during the 1st semester 2024. Translation into English will follow.
- Status update December 2024: Niels is proceeding with writing, hoping to finalize the manuscript early in 2025
Publication Project 2. Cell Structure Design book, English
- About this project: Based on a draft translation from German to English done in 2021, this group is preparing publication of the Cell Structure Design book in English.
- Status: Publication will be though BetaCodex Press. Date: to be defined, during the 1st semester 2025
Infrastructure Project 1. 3rd generation network website launch & development
- About this project: This group will develop the network’s 3rd generation website long-term, design-wise and content-wise. Launch should happen until Q1 2024. The website is developed with Typo3 technology.
- Participation requires relevant website development mastery, and willingness to contribute long-term.
- Status update February 2024: The Typo3-based website is launched. To do's for the coming months: Add content in languages other than English; expand content; add features