Concept overviews
The BetaCodex concept overviews shared on this page are downloadable as print-ready PDFs in A1 format. All available files contain visuals of the "big four” social technologies that emerged from the BetaCodex Network's research which started in 2008. These four social technologies are (1) The Laws of the BetaCodex, (2) Cell Structure Design, (3) Relative Targets and (4) OpenSpace Beta. In case you need the concept overviews in a format different than A1, get in touch with Red42 by email. When using the visuals and the social technologies, make sure you always refer to the open source licenses indicated on the respective concept overviews.
Our aim is to make all BetaCodex concept overviews freely available in more and more languages. If you speak a language that is not represented in the overview below, and if you are willing to contribute to the translation work for that language of yours, then please let us know. We will be happy to work with you to produce the translation, and to make sure that the new language version becomes available to everyone.