Newly colored photos: Deming in Japan during the 1950s and 1960s

New photo coloring technology helps us to see W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993) in a different light: Rediscover the work of this American pioneer of practical systems theory, industrial statistics, quality and modern organizational development, through photos from the years 1950 to 1965 that were never before seen in color.


After WWII, statistician W. Edwards Deming became a pioneer of modern, systemic Organizational Development, performing his teaching and consulting work mostly in war-torn Japan. In these spectacular, newly colored photos, Deming is shown in the 1950s, during his first missions to Japan promoting statistical control methods for industrial production, and what would later become Deming's "System of Profound Knowledge".

These images can be seen in color for the first time. Photos courtesy of The W. Edwards Deming Institute® - except four (as indicated), which are courtesy of Toyota Motor Corp. All photos were changed from b/w to color by Niels Pflaeging. For more information about Deming's work in Japan during the 1950s and 1960s, check out

Newly colored photos from W. Edwards Deming's six trips to Japan between 1950 and 1965

All photos transferred from black & white to color by Niels Pflaeging

Get "What would Deming do?" – a beautiful book with Deming's best quotes, edited by Niels Pflaeging

"What would Deming do?" – a carefully curated collection of 160+ powerful and useful quotes by W. Edwards Deming, edited by Niels Pflaeging in 2023 and published with BetaCodex Press. Available from your preferred bookseller, in print and eBook editions. Or buy the book straight from the publisher! Take a look inside the book below.