264 results:
181. Stephen Cummings/Todd Bridgman/Kenneth G Brown: Unfreezing change as three steps: Rethinking Kurt Lewin’s legacy for change management  
Kurt Lewin’s ‘changing as three steps’ (unfreezing-changing-refreezing) is regarded by many as the classic or fundamental approach to managing change. Lewin has been criticized by scholars for…  
183. Fred Emery: The agenda for the next wave  
My concern is with the next agenda that must be engaged upon in the next couple of decades to overcome the essential failure of social science in the postwar years. It has failed to meet, or to…  
184. Merrelyn Emery: Introduction to participative design for participative democracy  
A new and major wave of activity to democratize is now evident in Australia. It ranges across the Office Structures Review in the Public Service, various second tier wage/productivity agreements…  
185. Mary P. Follett: Creativity is a process  
"The individualist says, Be true to thyself. The profounder philosophers have always said, Know thyself, which carries the whole process a step further back: what is the self, what integrations have…  
186. John Seddon: Watch out for the tool heads  
Everything you need to know about lean manufacturing tools and why they won’t work in service organisations I gained an antipathy to change by tools training and projects in the early Eighties while…  
187. Tom Peters: This I believe + other manifestos by Tom Peters  
The architect Bill Caudill was a contrarian. He pioneered the idea of working intimately with clients to create spaces that met their needs; this flew in the face of conventional wisdom, which held…  
188. Eric B. Dent: Challenging “resistance to change”  
This article examines the origins of one of the most widely accepted mental models that drives organizational behavior: the idea that there is resistance to change and that managers must overcome it.…  
189. Jeffrey Pfeffer: Seven practices of successful organizations  
In this excerpt from his recently published book, The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First, the author argues that many managers continue to overlook the extent to which the more…  
190. Paul Simon Adler: Democratic taylorism: The Toyota Production System at NUMMI  
The human aspects of Japanese manufacturing management techniques, in particular those embodied in the Toyota production system, are currently under intense debate. Do they represent a good model for…  
Search results 181 until 190 of 264