264 results:
201. Henry Mintzberg: Developing theory about the development of theory  
I have no clue how I develop theory. I don’t think about it; I just try to do it. Indeed, thinking about it could be dangerous: The centipede was happy quite Until a toad in fun Said, “Pray, which…  
202. Robert Sutton; Barry Staw: What theory is not  
This essay describes differences between papers that contain some theory rather than no theory. There is little agreement about what constitutes strong versus weak theory in the social sciences, but…  
203. Jeremy Hope/Robin Fraser: Who needs budgets?  
Budgeting, as most corporations practice it, should be abolished. That may sound like a radical proposition, but it would be merely the culmination of long-running efforts to transform organizations…  
204. Edgar H. Schein: Organizational psychology then and now – some observations  
A comparison is made between the field of organizational psychology as I saw it in 1965 and how I see it today. Many issues remain the same, but the field is more differentiated, fragmented, and…  
205. John Carlisle/Joe Carlisle: Command and control management: The embodiment of neo-liberalism at work  
Although the Command and Control style of management is a fairly modern phenomenon, like all ideas, its roots go much further back, to a very dominant model of how to discipline and organise…  
206. Sumantra Ghoshal: Bad management theories are destroying good management practices  
The last article by Sumantra Ghoshal - published only after his untimely death. Maybe the best article on management ever written.  
207. Marvin Weisbord: Techniques to match our values  
Here’s the way it was in 1969 when I became a consultant: NO cell phones, NO pagers, NO fax machines; NO personal computers, NO PowerPoint, NO CD’s, NO DVD’s, NO internet. My “personal digital…  
208. 10 Components that successfully abolished hierarchy (in 70+ companies)  
I recently flew to Lisbon to participate in a two-day talk and workshop led by Pablo Aretxabala and Jabi Salcedo from K2K Emocionado. K2K has successfully transformed 70 organisations (many of them…  
209. Crazy. Stupid. Learning. The 2 types of learning and why they matter  
Crazy stupid learning To organize for complexity also means to organize learning and development for complexity - on the individual, the team and the organizational level. Much has been said and written in recent years…  
210. Bye-Bye MbO! From fixed to relative performance  
Bye bye MBO For decades, organizations of all sizes and from all kinds of industries have curated and perfected management practices such as fixed target setting, target negotiation, planning, budgeting,…  
Search results 201 until 210 of 264