264 results:
241. Only in Beta you can ever be ‘agile’  
Fishs If you want adaptive organizations you need to go for serious decentralization and consistent functional integration. By Stefan Willuda  
242. Work the System: Transformation, delivered  
Switch Over the past four decades, a number of trends, or movements have provided promising, constructive impulses for organizations and the world of work. The most recent of these trends has been produced…  
243. Transform any company: 5 concepts  
Switches How can we bring about intended change quickly, easily, reliably and without tears? How do we get the organizational transformation we envision to stick? Any contemporary, modern theory and practice…  
244. Abolish Bonuses! There is no way around that  
Carrot and stick The days of the sophisticated systems of variable compensation are over. By Niels Pflaeging  
245. If it takes longer than a few months, then it's NOT transformation  
OpenSpace Beta Book Five years ago, I would have told you (and I did!) that serious organizational transformation could not be achieved in less than 18 months. I considered 1,5 years to be an excellent and in fact…  
246. Organizational change: It does not have to be hard anymore  
OpenSpace Beta Poster During my first job at Xerox in BuenosAires, in 1996, my boss Alberto (who was a great guy) taught me that organizational change was hard. Later I witnessed many times over how hard it was. Change…  
247. Forget the Kotter approach to change – here comes VFOT!  
Flower in fanus The Kotter approach, often referred to as Leading Change, was the best change management model of the 20th century. It looks pretty dated now. The new kids on the block are VFOT, or Very Fast…  
248. The toxic power of THEY: How conspiracy theories thwart progress  
Donkey and Human We tend to think that change is hard. I wrote about that common misconception elsewhere before. But one thing stands in the way of even beginning to think about change and transformation: Conspiracy…  
249. A very brief history of the BetaCodex  
BetaCodex visualized In my book Organize for Complexity, published in 2014, I outlined the central ideas of BetaCodex thinking: That the industrial-age social technology of “management” (often referred to as Taylorism,…  
250. BetaCodex: A making of  
History of the BetaCodex Movement When we founded the BetaCodex Network, in 2008, upon breaking away from the Beyond Budgeting Round Table, we wanted our new movement and the BetaCodex approach to organizing to be about more than…  
Search results 241 until 250 of 264